소소한 일상-Daily/타임캡슐-MEMORY

Gungnamji in Buyeo, in August 2005

gowooni1 2010. 3. 9. 23:46



In there, we saw a movie star

Actually, I couldn't recognize him

"Hey, do you know that guy?"

"No. do you?"


Nobody knew who he was

"Anyway, let's go there."


It was an extremely sweltering day

Many people, staff of the movie,

were gathering next to a pond

in a sweat

We saw the guy closely but

still could not recognize

because he was wearing some special costumes


Finally I glanced the scenario of one staff

standing right by my side

The hero was Song il kook

But I did not know him

"Who is he?" I asked my one girl

"I have no idea."

So, we turned back


That winter, I watched that movie,

"The Art of Seduction"

I quite enjoyed the movie,

but I still don't know well about him



 Gungnamji in Buyeo

August, 2005

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